miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

Final Results

Due to a mistake made by me (Raúl De Castro) when weighting the Rock Crawling event, it has been necessary to make an amendment in the final position table. This change affects the previously announced overall 2nd and 3rd place.

Since the amendment was only in the rock crawling event score, there are no additional adjustments in other event scores.

I sincerely apologize for any inconvenient caused by this mistake.

To see the results, click here

lunes, 21 de junio de 2010


Thanks to Miguel Miranda and Richard Swein from NOVA Podcast for the effort!
Here's the podcast refering to our Baja SAE Queretaro 2010 event:


jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

Horarios de la prueba "Presentación"

A todos los equipos:

Los horarios para la prueba de Presentacion del día viernes 11 de Junio están listos y pueden consultarlos aqui.

lunes, 7 de junio de 2010

Final Scores: Design Reports

To all teams,

These are the final scores for the Design Reports. Feedback has also been sent to your registered e-mails.

Thank you and good luck!

PUNTUACIONES: Reportes de costos

Ya pueden consultar las evaluaciones preliminares de los reportes de costos.

A los equipos que aún tienen un puntaje preliminar, se les recuerda que es necesario que presenten una copia impresa al momento de la evaluación contra el prototipo, ya que de no hacerlo se anula el puntaje del evento de costos.

Para consultar los puntajes de este evento, click aqui


No olviden traer:
1) Bloqueador solar, gorras, lentes.
2) Paliacates o cubrebocas para cubrir nariz y boca (sábado y domingo)
3) Bolsas grandes para basura, de preferencia biodegradables.
4) Es recomendable también que utilizen ropa de manga larga.


- Recuerden traer los documentos completos y en orden para el registro. No habrá casos especiales ni discusión alguna, y una persona no registrada no puede participar en los eventos (ni siquiera los estáticos).

- Capitanes: no olviden presentar su bidón para gasolina, propiamente identificado, en el registro.

- El Panel de Expertos es un evento de caracter OBLIGATORIO para TODOS los participantes

- El sábado y domingo es común que familiares, amigos e incluso autoridades escolares quieran pasar con ustedes a la zona de pits. Una vez iniciados los eventos dinámicos y la carrera de resistencia, queda ESTRICTAMENTE PROHIBIDO que haya personas ajenas en estas áreas; una persona ajena es todo aquel que no haya sido registrado adecuadamente el Viernes 11 de Junio. Ustedes son responsables por quién está en sus pits, y nosotros de asegurar las medidas para mantener este evento seguro, así que de encontrarse alguien no autorizado, se aplicarán penalizaciones sobre su puntaje DIRECTAMENTE.

Track Location

The dynamic events and the endurance race on saturday 12th and sunday 13th will take place at a track located on "Centro Sur", in the city of Queretaro. It's 15 minutes away from the hosting school and 5 minutes awat from the official hotel, 0.63km south from Queretaro's Bus Station, on Boulevard Bernardo Quintana. 

Google Earth indications:
latitude:  20°34'13.80"N

jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

Check this out! Aeronautical Industry in Queretaro Conference - October 7th and 8th, 2010.

Take a look at the  Aeronautical Congress AEROQRO 2010.

It'll take place next October 7th and 8th, organized by several institutions such as the CICATA from the IPN,  SAE International and the RIIAQ.

Registration is FREE for students with SAE membership.

Website of the Congress:

To enter from the SAE International website: http://www.sae.org/events/mxa/

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010


Registration forms are available at the IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS section of this website. A copy has also been delivered to your captain's email account.


THERE WILL BE NO DISCUSSIONS AND NO SPECIAL CASES. Either your form is complete or it isn't (that includes the SAE membership evidence).

- Every participant (including the faculty advisors) MUST present this form at the registration table INDIVIDUALLY. Bracelets, t-shirts, events card, etc. will be delivered at this moment.

- Personal health Insurance (public or private) is MANDATORY.
- All the information presented at the registration form is CONFIDENTIAL and will be destroyed by the organizers at the end of the event.

- If a form is not COMPLETE, the team member won't be register and won't be allowed to participate or even be at the PITS area.

- During registration, the team captain must deliver the team's fuel container (clean and properly identified) for the endurance event. This container will be kept by the Organizers during the entire event. Make sure you have another fuel container for the the dynamic events.

- Every school MUST have a faculty advisor at the event, with the proper school identification as teacher (presented at the registration). If you are going to have an external advisor, a letter from your engineering department director with the school's stamp, notifying of this situation, must be delivered at the registration table.

- The registration form includes a liability waiver. You must read, understand and sign this liability waiver in order to participate in the Baja SAE Queretaro 2010 event.


Click on it

  • Static Events (June 11th) will take place at "Tec de Monterrey Campus Querétaro". The location of the track for the dynamic events and the endurance race will be published a few days before the event.

  • We have taken measures to give all teams the opportunity to watch the football match at the event, have fun and share this experience together.

  • Remember that you can be penalized in your cost evaluation if your vehicle doesn't pass the safety inspection on a timely manner. The cost judge will inform of the time limit for this on Friday 11th.

  • The judges of safety inspection, costs, marketing presentation & registration WON'T review any teams during the football match or the experts panel.

  • It's mandatory for ALL Baja SAE Queretaro participants to attend to the experts panel on design and innovation. Feedback from the Design Evaluation will be given during this event.

  • The event's closure and awards ceremony will take place at WINGS ARMY QUERETARO.

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010


We inform you that our official hotel is:


For the specail rate you MUST make your reservations ASAP, at least 2 weeks before the event. Meaning, the last days of May. And you MUST use the reservation code BAJA SAE 2010 QUERETARO in order to obtain the discount.

The special rates are:

Simple bedroom: $734.70

Double bedroom: $817.70

3 people per bedroom: $924.30

4 people per bedroom: $1031.00

*This rates already include taxes. It includes Continental Breakfast for all the participants who reserve.
*If you don't make RESERVATION you won't have this rate.
*The location of the hotel is great to the where the event is taking place.
*For reservations contact the Reservation Central at:

Mexico City: 52498080
Toll Free: 01800 CITY EXPRESS (2489397)

Hotel Information:


martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

Documents: Technical Inspection Sheet

Hi Eveyone!

The technical Inspection Sheet format is online in .xls format and ready to be downloaded. (Look for under the "Important Documents" section of this blog).

As described in Baja Rules 50.1, all team must fill out and print the form in order to be permitted to pass the Technical Inspection.

See you in Queretaro!

lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

IMPORTANT: Weld Confirmation Checks

Please have in mind that welded samples are required for the competition.

Do not forget that those samples are MANDATORY. Teams will not be able to compete if fail in this check. Please refer to the following links for a more detailed reference:



Please submit your questions (if any) to bajasae@saebajio.org


martes, 23 de marzo de 2010

Cost Reports

Every year, most teams have a hard time delivering cost reports at the right time and in the right form. In spite of it, some of those teams succeed.

This year, we received some reports and we must insist in general considerations for all you to have in mind for the next time:
  1. Read CAREFULLY the first sheet "INSTRUCTIONS" from the costreportrev-b.xls file that you can find in http://students.sae.org/competitions/bajasae/rules/. According to the valid rules for this competition, that excel file contains required formats for cost reports.
  2. Do as recommended in Hint 1 one more time. (We MUST insist). Usually those files contain additional indications for your report format and delivery that are not specified in the mbrules.
Greetings for all the teams that delivered cost reports. We hope you can find the detailed feedback useful.

sábado, 6 de marzo de 2010

First Design Reports arrived :)

The first design reports have arrived!

We'll like to say thanks to the following schools:

- Instituto Tecnológico de Querétaro - Car #85
- Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria en Ingeniería y Tecnologías Avanzadas - Car #121
- Tec de Monterrey Campus Toluca - Cars #97 & #26
-Universidad La Salle Cuernavaca - Car #77

To the rest of the teams, remember that a 1o points penalty will apply for every day you're late so HURRY UP! (Design Report score- 75 points)

We have declined reports that don't comply with the required format, so please make sure you're sending the report as described on the published 2010 Baja SAE Rules, pages 52 & 53.

If you've sent your report and you haven't received our confirmation email, please write to bajasae@saebajio.org

viernes, 19 de febrero de 2010

The Baja SAE Queretaro 2010 event will be MORE than a competition!

We're stepping-up the Baja SAE Queretaro event!

Here's a first glimpse:

Friday, June 11th, 2010.

*Our presenting experts will also be your judges at the Design Event, so be prepared to receive feedback from some of the most experienced and creative people in engineering & design!

Jeeps, ATVs, cross motorcycles, vintage clubs... AND MORE!

We'll be posting more details SOON!

miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2010

Top Three from last year IMPORTANT INFORMATION


Accordingly to section 13.5 (page 11) of the Rules for the 2010 Baja SAE Bajío Series:
[...]Teams with vehicles that finished in a top three position in the 2009 QUERETARO Competition are classified as having created a "successful design". Teams that created such successful vehicles are required to provide a comparison of their current design with their previous year’s design even if the current design is entirely new.[...]
Please make sure that your design report includes this comparison.

Design and Cost Reports Important Information

ELECTRONIC REPORTS (e-mailed) -must be received at SAE QUERETARO by 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time on Friday, March 5th, 2010
Send to: bajasae@saebjio.org

(e-mailed) -must be received at SAE QUERETARO by 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time on Friday, March 12th, 2010.
Send to: bajasae@saebajio.org

Cost and design reports judges will post the next Monday to the delivery due date a list of the received reports. It's each team's responsibility to follow up the delivery of their reports and checked if they were properly received.
Please review carefully the rules, evaluation and penalties regarding the reports at pages 52 to 56 on the Rules document, and in case you have any question, please send it to bajarules@saebajio.org

Registration Fee and account number

The deposit account for the fee payment will be the following:

Bank: Banamex
Account holder: Jorge Daniel Torales

Account: 5204164046650690

For online deposit:

CLABE: 002438716300201874

Registration Fee:

March 5th to June 4th $2300.00

June 5th to June 11th $2800.00

Includes 10 team members and the faculty advisor.
Extra memeber: $150.00

REMEMBER MARCH 5th LAST DAY FOR paying 50% of Fee!!

Please send payment receipt to priscila.sandoval@saebajio.org at least on March 5th

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010


A todos los equipos pre-registrados, les damos la bienvenida.

Próximamente estaremos publicando la lista de participantes.

Si no te alcanzaste a pre-registrar, ponte en contacto con nosotros.

GRACIAS y comienza la cuenta regresiva.

miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2010

Correos de seguimiento

Si deseas recibir información sobre nuestras actividades y sobre la carrera BAJA SAE de Querétaro, manda un mail a:


Pide que se te agregue a la lista, danos tu nombre y dinos de que universidad eres.

viernes, 5 de febrero de 2010



Promocionar tu página también


Se ha activado una función llamada PRE REGISTRO, favor de utilizarla para realizar el mismo.


Direcciones adecuadas del evento

Estimados participantes, ponemos a su servicio los siguientes correos electrónicos:

Reglamento: bajarules@saebajio.org
Comité Organizador: bajasae@sabajio.org
Pre-Registro: priscila.sandoval@saebajio.org
Patrocinios: priscila.sandoval@saebajio.org
Reportes de diseño y costos: bajarules@saebajio.org


martes, 26 de enero de 2010

CONCURSO: Traza tu logo

El ganador del concurso Traza tu logo es:

El equipo Baja SAE de ESIA Morelia.


50% de descuento en la inscripción de un vehículo a la carrera "BAJA SAE QUERÉTARO 2010"

El logo ganador será utilizado en toda la publicidad del evento así como en la página oficial de la carrera y playeras .

¡Muchas gracias por participar!

lunes, 25 de enero de 2010

Fechas importantes.

El 12 de febrero será la fecha limite para pre- registrar los vehículos participantes. (en esta fecha solo deberán enviar nombre de los participantes, escuela, capitán y coche (s))

El 5 de marzo será la fecha límite para hacer el pago del 50% de la inscripción (aplica únicamente por universidad un coche, si desean inscribir dos ó más vehículos, deberán pre registrarlos en la primera fecha límite, y podrán hacer el pago total del (los) mismo(s) hasta el día del evento)

El 28 de mayo será la fecha límite para hacer el pago del 100% de la inscripción (aplica únicamente por universidad un coche, si desean inscribir dos ó más vehículos, deberán pre registrarlos en la primera fecha límite, y podrán hacer el pago total del (los) mismo(s) hasta el día del evento)


Bienvenidos a la página oficial de la carrera BAJA SAE QUERETARO.

Esté 2010 estamos trabajando para llevar a cabo la tradicional carrera de BAJA en Querétaro los días:

11, 12 y 13 de junio.

Estén pendientes de las notas oficiales publicadas en este foro.


Comité BAJA SAE 2010