miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2010

Registration Fee and account number

The deposit account for the fee payment will be the following:

Bank: Banamex
Account holder: Jorge Daniel Torales

Account: 5204164046650690

For online deposit:

CLABE: 002438716300201874

Registration Fee:

March 5th to June 4th $2300.00

June 5th to June 11th $2800.00

Includes 10 team members and the faculty advisor.
Extra memeber: $150.00

REMEMBER MARCH 5th LAST DAY FOR paying 50% of Fee!!

Please send payment receipt to priscila.sandoval@saebajio.org at least on March 5th

1 comentario:

  1. Una duda:
    arriba dice que del 5 de marzo al 4 de junio hay q pagar $2300 del registro, y luego al final dice que tenemos hasta el 5 de marzo para pagar el 50% del registro. ¿Cómo está eso?
